el zorro

CRank: 5Score: 10320

Stupidest reasoning ever. Even with piracy the 360 regularly sees greater sales of multiplatform games than the PS3. Everything points to the 360 having pretty close to the reported install base. And why would anybody buy a new Xbox when they get theirs fixed for free?

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 exclusives don't thrash 360 exclusives. Pure bunk. Most PS3 exclusives look mediocre. A COUPLE PS3 exclusives look great, but the 360 has some great looking titles like Alan Wake, Halo Reach and Gears of War.

Most multiplatform games do look or run better on the 360 and not by some microscopic amount either. We're talking better framerates, higher res textures, lack of screentearing, higher resolutions, higher quality effects. We see these kinds of difference...

4880d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah right, you guys have little baby hands, just admit it.

4880d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game seems like it will be fun.

4880d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Scale? Pfft! The same scale was done on PS2. God of War 2 on PS2 had basically the same huge bosses, but I don't see what is that impressive about it. It's not that much different than rendering any character model. The transitions are the only thing that takes any real effort there and even those aren't that hard.

Uncharted 2 is one of the most linear games I have ever seen. There is nothing at all impressive in terms of scale there. Heavy Rain and LBP2......

4880d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

The ps3 version does not look better. Anybody who has played both demos knows that.

Besides, Digital Foundry didn't say the PS3 version looked better. They noted some minor differences between the two, but they weren't all favorable for the PS3.

"In other areas of the game, we see effects that have clearly been toned down in their transition across to PlayStation 3, dropping to a lower resolution or operating at a reduced precision level. A goo...

4883d ago 15 agree48 disagreeView comment

Gumtrol, wipe the Sony cum from your eyes and wake UP. You guys always act like character models are the only thing that exists in a game. What a load of crap.

That's why that kineticninja blog comparison was so stupid. Practically all that fanboy compared was the character models. Not only that but he had to use a bunch of camera angles on the characters that you basically never see when you are actually playing the game.

The characters models look f...

4885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow some of you are really ignorant on this subject.

First of all Halo Reach looks great. Quit acting like it is some pathetic looking game because it is clearly not. It looks much better than most multiplatform games and it looks better than most PS3 exclusives. The fact that it might not quite live up to a couple of the very best PS3 exclusives means nothing in the big picture.

I still think Halo Reach is doing some things that it isn't being recog...

4885d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is one of my most wanted games. I loved the first Dead Space.

4885d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

MAG was mediocre in my opinion. I'm sorry, but most reviewers think Reach was a much better game. You're entitled to your opinion no matter how much I disagree with it. What I take exception to though is your arrogant implication that people who think Reach is better are being narrow-minded.

People like you are really bringing gaming down.

4885d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

Except every time they give a PS3 exclusive a high score. Then their reviews are awesome.

4885d ago 23 agree12 disagreeView comment

Guys, just be honest. The PS3 lineup wasn't as good this year as in 2009. You already know 2011 is going to amazing for the PS3, so just admit 2010 wasn't as good.

Why does the PS3 have to be better all the time at everything in every single way? That's not realistic and makes you guys come off as irrational fanatics.

4885d ago 43 agree21 disagreeView comment

Reviews only matter to PS3 fanboys when a PS3 game gets a high score.

All these lemmings in here are repeating the same thing about not caring about reviews, but most of them are the same ones that constantly chant that Uncharted 2 received so many awards. If opinions of other people don't matter then they don't matter. You can't pick and choose when they matter.

I love my PS3, just like I love all my systems, but PS3 fanboys are truly the wor...

4885d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't worry, they'll go back to loving IGN as soon as the next positive PS3 article or review comes out.

4885d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Easy Kratos, easy...no need to go into one of your fits of rage just because you got beat by a girl. :)

No but in all honesty I do have to say that I didn't agree with them on that one. GOW 3 was better than Bayonetta and was really the only game I really enjoyed on my PS3 this year.

4885d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been saying this lately when people are talking about how great 2011 is looking for the PS3. I point out that the 360 has had a better year in 2010. Well, actually I can only speak for myself, but in 2010 there were a lot more games I wanted on my 360 than on my PS3. Next year it looks like there will probably be more games I want on my PS3.

4885d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake came out this year and in my opinion it looks as good as anything on the PS3. I know, I know...its deh subHD, so it can't look good. But in many other areas it looks better than anything else I have seen on consoles. The lighting effects are the most advanced I have ever seen and the detail of the landscapes is second to none.

Baodeus basically nailed it. I agree with him that all I see is different strenths and weaknesses among all the best looking games o...

4887d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

FFS if you can't see the similarities you are being purposefully blind.

I'm not saying it was a carbon copy or anything like that, but it was definitely in the same vein.

4887d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'd trust the opinion of a knowledgeable multiplatform developer over the opinion of Sony-owned, single platform developers any day.

Sony owned developers have every incentive in the world to distort the truth. In fact, they might even be instructed to do so.

It's the same as if Peter Molyneux was proclaiming the 360 to be superior to the PS3. I would take it with a grain of salt.

Like I said, I trust the opinions of multiplatform d...

4887d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

That's why the PS2 was the most powerful console...oh wait, that's right, it was the weakest console last generation.

4887d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment